Designed with patient care and staff satisfaction in mind, Welch Allyn / Hillrom laryngoscope solutions are innovative; featuring a small profile, for improved balance and manoeuvrability, they help facilitate even the most difficult intubations.
Now with LED replacement lamps. Designed for ease-of-use to improve patient care, safety and staff satisfaction.
A unique design that’s stronger, safer, upgradeable and lower cost over the life of the instrument. Now with LED lamps!
- Single-piece stainless steel construction ensures blade integrity
- Removable light pipe and smooth surface design
- Blades are upgradeable and repairable at a fraction of the cost of replacement blades
- LED lamps provide brighter light and 7 year warranty
Complete set of Macintosh Laryngoscope Blades with medium and small handles in zipper case. MacIntosh, blade sizes #1, 2, 3, 4
MacIntosh Laryngoscope Blades
- Gentle, continuous curve from the tip to the proximal end
- Compressed curve into the vallecula and lifted blade, indirectly raising the epiglottis
- Reduced proximal blade height to assist in intubating patients with limited oral access